Hector, Minnesota





The City of Hector provides police patrol services for it's community members. The police department also provided around the clock on call response to all reported incidents and activities occurring in the City of Hector. In 2006 The Police Department certified NIMS compliant. ( National Incident Management System ) and the full time officers are trained in basic tactical incident & school emergency incident response. The City Hector Police Department also works in close cooperation with federal, state, and other local law enforcement agencies; to provide complete law enforcement services for its community members.





The Hector Police Office (320) 848 - 2500
Use for leaving general voice messages for officers during regular business hours. This is periodically checked during the routine patrol shifts; but is not generally manned any specified time of the day. 

County Dispatcher (320) 523 - 1161
Use to contact the on call, or on duty, Hector Police Officer any time of the day - seven days per week. Use this number is situation is urgent and requires prompt law enforcement response.

911 -  Emergency Line
Use this emergency number for various incidents requiring immediate police, ambulance, or fire department services. Calls such as fires, medical situations, auto accidents, general accidents, crimes in progress, recently discovered crimes, or incidents where an immediate threat of safety to yourself or others should be routed through this number. Calls on this line are automatically mapped out and registered; but please stay on the line and give correct address and other information requested by the dispatcher.

Hector City

Offices (320) 848 - 2122  
Open Monday - Friday, 8:30am to 3:30pm except for federal holidays. This number is primarily used to report incidents of city interest such as water main breaks, city service interruptions, dogs at large, and blight complaints. Do not leave messages on the city answering machine over the weekends as this line is not checked by the Police Department.

Crime Stopper (800) 720 - 3790
is number is a non-profit organization that focuses on crime prevention and works to assist law enforcement officers in Renville County with solving open cases. Monetary rewards are paid to informants, or "Tipsters", if and when the information leads to the arrest and prosecution of those persons responsible for committing a crime. Renville County CrimeStoppers maintains a toll-free number that "Tipsters" can use to provide information to police, while remaining completely confidential if they choose.




The police department is always interested in recruiting individuals, civic groups or other parties interested in organizing a formal neighborhood watch section. Informal and anonymous neighborhood watch observers are also encouraged. Anonymous tips can be left with the Police Department  (320) 848-2500



Hector Police Department, 301 Main St. South, PO Box 457, Hector Minnesota 55342.

hectorpd@hectormn.us  Hector PD Email

All images on these pages including those of the City of Hector and Police Department Patch & Badge, are sole property of the City of Hector. These images will not be replicated or placed upon other web sites without expressed authorization of the Chief of Police and The City of Hector Administration.

PATCH COLLECTORS: Due to our uniform supply stocking practices. the Hector Police Department does not trade patches or emblems.