Hector, Minnesota


City Departments


Public Utilities Superintendent: Michael Morris of MMS Environmental 
Chief of Police: Zachary Pierce    
Ambulance Supervisor:  Ken Rodmyre
Airport Manager: Gina Schellenberg
Parks and Streets: Gina Schellenberg, Josh Bernardy, Ken Rodmyre
City Attorney:  Griffin Leitch (Anderson, Larson, Saunders, Klaassen & Dahlager PLLP)
City Building Inspector:  Darin Haslip (101 Development Resources)
Civil Defense Director: Doug Best
Financial Advisors:  Ehlers & Associates
Fire Chief:  Ryan Kramer 
Official Depository:  Frandsen Bank & Trust - Minnesota Municipal Money Market (4M) - US Bank - Northland Securities - Ehlers & Associates
Official Newspaper:  News*Mirror Union
Public Accountant/Auditor:  Conway, Deuth & Schmiesing
Project Engineer's: Moore Engineering; John Morast
Airport Engineer:  Bollig Engineering; Angela Holm and Paul Jurek
Weed Inspector:  Councilmember Greg Haun